Tree Roots vs Your Foundation

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Since tree roots are underground, it’s hard to know if they are going to be a problem until they become one. Besides physically pushing against structures, roots can drain water out of the soil and dehydrate it. When a root is killed, it will decay and can cause the surrounding soil to collapse, leaving the supporting soil lacking.

tree roots, foundation damageIt’s nice to have a shady tree protecting your home from the sun and the elements, but you have to make sure that it is far enough away from your home so that the roots won’t affect your foundation. Trees with invasive roots can damage pipes and foundations. If the tree root senses any moisture, it will seek it out.

Trees should be planted at least 20-50 feet from your home, to keep the roots from reaching your foundation. Some of the most popular trees are the worst offenders. Poplar, willow, silver maples, and American elms all love moisture and have roots that can disrupt sewer lines, push against foundations, and lift sidewalks and driveways.

Fortunately, there are many trees that have roots that are considered non-invasive. These include the southern red oak, the amur maple, and the yellow buckeye. These trees all give off ample shade, while growing relatively quickly. Your local nursery will be able to help you choose what trees you should plant.

Foundation Problems

As stated earlier, roots can push against your foundation, collapse the soil around it and cause other damage. The most common occurrence is when the roots drain the moisture from underneath the foundation. The soil condenses, causing the foundation to lose its support. This can lead to cracks in the foundation or walls to bow or lean. In addition, if the moisture levels fluctuate, the soil will expand and contract, working the foundation and weakening it.

Signs of Foundation Damage

There are many early warning signs when it comes to foundation damage before you get to structural damage. You should walk around your property and look for these indicators:

If you come across any of these red flags, you need to call a foundation expert like the professionals at Southeastern Home Solutions as soon as possible. We will provide you with a free inspection and determine not only the cause of your foundation problems but implement a solution. We want you and your family to be secure and safe in your home.

Don’t let a shady tree ruin your home, call us today and let us help you keep your peace of mind.